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Volunteer Opportunities

There are Opportunities
Across all Areas of the Project

With such an exciting project there are many areas where you could volunteer, even if your spare time is very limited. Here are just a few examples of where you could help.

In Administration – helping with the design and printing of posters and handouts and events publicity.

In the Gardens – with over 24 acres of gardens including the fabulous 4 acre Walled Garden, there are lots of wonderful horticultural projects with flowers, fruit and vegetables for the “green fingered” to really enjoy themselves.

Front of House – Meeting and greeting our visitors at the Gates, helping with parking and collecting tickets.

Events Preparation – Helping before and during our many events.

Tour Guiding – If you love history you might like to become a Tour Guide? With over 900 years of history there is much to talk about and it’s a great way to meet our visitors and Friends.

The Refreshment Team – This team supports many events providing refreshments, delicious homemade cakes and running their own Afternoon Tea and Grand Pudding Tasting events.

The Mansion Team – Working not only in support of the Mansion restoration but assisting with all manner of activities across the spectrum.

Whatever time you can give and whatever your area of interest, we have opportunities for you to join a really friendly group of people that love the project and all that has been achieved. Become part of our tomorrow. If you would like to join us, there are several ways to get involved.

• Send us an email via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call on 07799 473108 and tell us what you are interested in doing

• Or come along any Sunday morning and introduce yourself to any of our volunteers. We will treat you to a cup of tea or coffee in the Racquets Court and introduce you to the volunteers that work in the area you interested in.