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The Causeway is a continuation of the central pathway that runs from the centre of the West Front of the Mansion, bisecting the upper terrace. Created in 1895 as part of the Italianate style reconstruction of the gardens, it continues westwards at the same level above two lower, symmetrical terraces, one at either side. It concluded with a set of elaborate gates that led to two sets of stairs to the lower terraces. The outer edges of the causeway were protected by balustrades topped with obelisks. Additional flights of stone stairs descended to the lower terraces from midway along the causeway and at its start. An arched tunnel also linked the two lower terraces giving the Causeway, together with the balustrading, a bridge-like appearance.

Although the balustrades, obelisks, gates and stairways were removed in the 1950s, the fundamental structure of the Causeway still exists. It however needs significant restorative work to stem its progressive deterioration.