Wednesday 8 October 2025
Cost & Times
£27.00 per attendee, including coffee or tea on arrival. Bring your own picnic lunch. Gates open at 9.30am for a 10.00am registration and 10.30am start.
Tutor Ann Mills FRAS
This study day is planned to be held on the Ground Floor of the Mansion. The event is suitable for wheelchair users. Wheelchair users wishing to attend however should contact the Box Office to allow the organisers to make appropriate arrangements and to check about any changes to the event location.
The night sky is full of stars and on a clear night there is so much to see and understand. Join us for a new Astronomy Study Day for 2025.
The Morning session will focus on Stars and Galaxies Explore answers to the questions…. such as Are all the stars the same? How old are they? How do they form? What are Galaxies? Are they all the same? How many stars are there in a Galaxy?
The Afternoon Session will focus on updates from some of the many current Space Exploration Missions: Jupiter and it’s Moons, Parker Mission to the Sun, The Moon & Lunar Landings.
The day will close with a chance to look forward and discuss some of the Missions planned for the future.
Unique images from the Hubble Telescope, James Webb Telescope & Euclid Telescope will enhance our understanding throughout the day.
The Study Day is suitable for beginners.
Event Queries?
Please contact the Box Office on 07749 397932
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Both debit and credit cards may be used.
If you are having problems with buying tickets via Ticketsource, please contact our Box Office on 07749 397932 or email the Box Office on: