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THE FRIENDS were set up by the Trust in 1998 to enable people who care about Copped Hall to support the Trust and its objectives. Since 1998 the Friends have made a substantial contribution to both the restoration process (particularly the gardens) and the manning of events. There are now over 1200 friends.

By joining The Friends of the Copped Hall Trust you can help secure the future of this important house and gardens. The Friends are supporters of the Copped Hall Trust and its objectives.

Benefits of becoming a Friend

You will receive:

  • A “Green Book” programme, published at the beginning of the year, detailing all the years events at Copped Hall.

  • Two Newsletters a year, providing updates on all the progress on the restoration, a variety of articles and much more.

  • Regular E-Bulletins delivered via e-mail, providing news and up to date information on new and existing events.

  • Free entry to all Open Days, Apple Day, Garden Afternoons and Guided Tour Days throughout the year, making significant savings.

  • Be offered opportunities to join our friendly volunteers and help in all fields of our activities.

Further Details

Many of our Friends have become volunteers to help with this exciting project and are involved in a range of activities across the spectrum. Whatever your interests are there is something that would appeal to you and where you could make a substantial difference, no matter what little time you can spare. Come and see us on any Sunday morning after 10am and you will be made most welcome. Contact us on 07799 473108.

Weekday Volunteers

This has only got going in 2001 but there are now at least 15 regular volunteers that come along in the week and most of these have specific tasks they have chosen.

Membership Queries

If you have any questions about membership or have changed any of your details (for instance address telephone number or email address) just email us quoting your membership number if known on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will try to help. Please note that you cannot order tickets via this email address.

The Giving Machine

The Giving Machine is a FREE service to Copped Hall whereby if Friends register with and BUY ONLINE via them a % is donated by retailers M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury, EBay, Amazon, John Lewis, Wickes and 1000s others.

For further information visit:

Chairman of the Friends Report

The Friends of the Copped Hall Trust are the very heart of The Copped Hall Trust project. Many of our volunteers start their involvement as a Friend, visiting on Open Days or Tour Day and become infected by the essence of the project. My journey to becoming Acting Chairman of the Friends of the Copped Hall Trust is a similar one. Once I completed my history degree in 2009, Sylvia Keith (who was organising the tour guides at the time) asked me to join the team. I was immediately entranced, and since then my involvement with the project has grown. I am now proudly a trustee, and Copped Hall remains my first love.

Our Friends are integral to the progress of the project. For many years the Friends income was our main source of revenue, and we would not be where we are today without this continuous income stream. The support of our Friends has often seen immense generosity, with many Friends donating more than the standard subscription amount to the project.

The Friends of the Copped Hall Trust are a community, pushing the project forward to the next stage. We welcome new Friends to join this community and look forward to working together for Copped Hall.

Louise Robertson

The Friends of the Copped Hall Trust Comittee

Chairman: Louise Robertson
Vice Chair:
Lee Joyce
Pauline Dalton
Minutes Secretary:
Dawn Chambers

Committee: Alan Cox (Trust representative), Dawn Chambers, Duncan Robertson, Victoria Robertson, Garry Pimley, Thea Ingham, Jonathan Denne, Trevor Roberts (co-opted)

Friends Committee

The Friends of the Copped Hall Trust committee is made up of volunteers from across Copped Hall, including the refreshments team, archaeologists, tour guides, bar team, gardeners and gate team. Are you interested in joining the team? If you can spare a few hours on Sunday morning 5 times a year, can attend the Annual Meeting of the Friends and think you might like to be part of a terrific team of Copped Hall volunteers, get in touch via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.