Copped Hall was built with two staircases at the centre of the house in the 1750s. The principal staircase was constructed of Portland stone and was for the family and guests. The secondary staircase was of timber and used by staff. In the fire in 1917 the stone staircase survived but was smashed out around the 1950s. The Trust has been progressively reinstating the staircase in Portland stone using highly skilled specialist contractors It is possible to accurately reinstate the staircase as there is much evidence in the walls and floors. As at January 2023 we have reinstated 42 treads and landings with another 17 treads and associated landings to go. We are currently raising funds to install the next flight. Gordon Brown manages the Second Hand Book team at Copped Hall and is now focusing his efforts on raising money to re-instate those missing treads. Each replacement tread costs £1850 and he has already raised funds for two treads.
Can You help Gordon and his team finish the job? Can you donate to us your unwanted books, CDs and Vinyl records. Please contact Gordon via
Can You help Us Regarding The Handrail? Although we have full details of the design of the stone staircase risers, treads and landings, we have very little information concerning the design of the handrail components – the balusters (probably a cast iron pattern), handrails and newel posts. Do you or your relatives have any old pictures taken of the staircase before its destruction? If so we would love to hear from you. Please Contact Alan Cox, our Architect on 07799 473108.