Monday 22nd July and Monday 19th August - 2024
Cost & Numbers
£25 per person per day. This Study Day has a limit of 8 people.
The costs include tea and coffee on arrival and throughout the day. Bring your own lunch. Afternoon tea with home-made cakes is provided at the end of day discussion. Book Early to avoid disappointment.
Location and Access
Copped Hall is an inspiring place and offers varied subjects both in the mansion and out in the gardens. On this day, we will be working on the first floor, from objects displayed in the house and also, weather permitting, from botanical subjects in The Walled Garden. Our meeting room and refreshment facilities will be on the ground floor of the mansion.
Only the ground floor of the mansion is currently suitable for wheelchair access. Access to the first floor is currently via a staircase only. There is also very limited access for wheelchair users in the gardens, including to the sloping site of The Walled Garden, given the undulating/uneven lawn surfaces. Wheelchair users who may be interested in attending should contact the number below to assess the suitability of this event.
This teacher led class has been created for those who consider themselves to be beginners or who have only recently started to draw. It could also be of interest if you haven’t drawn for some time and wish to revive your skills.
The focus will be on drawing a subject from observation, initially using graphite pencils. We will explore making drawings using line and tone, as well as considering composition and ways of seeing a subject that can simplify the drawing process - so it becomes more approachable and rewarding. The class will also be relevant to the use of charcoal, conte, pastel and colouring pencils.
More detailed information regarding the timetable, access, what to expect and what to bring etc, will be sent prior to the day. T
he tutor, Dilys Bidewell, is an artist and experienced teacher, with a degree in Architecture, an MA in Fine Art as well as a teaching qualification. Dilys also taught as a regular visiting lecturer on both under and post graduate Fine Art degree courses for many years.
Event Queries?
Please contact Alan Cox on 07799473108 for details.
Buy Tickets
Tickets can be purchased on line:
or by clicking the logo below.
View the event, pay and print your tickets.
Both debit and credit cards may be used.
If you are having problems with buying tickets via Ticketsource, please contact our Box Office on 07749 397932. Alternatively, you may email the Box Office on
If you are having problems with buying tickets via Ticketsource, please contact our Box Office on 07749 397932. Alternatively, you may email the Box Office on