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The Copped Hall Bookstall

The Bookstall is managed by the dedicated Book Team. We welcome donations of all types of books – from antiquarian to modern, paperback and hardbacks – as we identify and process all books received to maximise the benefit to Copped Hall. Hardback non-fiction are particularly welcome. We will take all – there is no restriction on quantity.

We also welcome:
DVDS/CDs/Cassettes/VHS tapes
Vinyl records (but not 78rpm shellac)
Old Coins & banknotes – any currency, any age.
Lego bricks


Donations may be delivered to Copped Hall every Sunday from 10am without appointment and at other times by arrangement. We are also able to collect on a wide radius from Copped Hall, which has proved very convenient to donors, particularly for large donations, such as house clearances.

The Book Team meets every Sunday. If you have an interest in books,and would like to help the team please do make contact – details are below. New joiners are always welcome, and there is a role for all!

Gordon Brown Jnr
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07979 531695