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Become a Friend

There are mutual benefits for the Trust and visitors in becoming a Friend of the Copped Hall Trust. For the visitor this includes free entry to many events, regular Newsletters and knowing your subscription enables the continued restoration of the Mansion and Gardens.

Become a Volunteer

Come and join the friendly volunteers at Copped Hall. There are many opportunities to really make a difference what ever time you can afford to give… and have fun.

Can You Make a Donation?

You can make a donation of any size by clicking here!

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There are other ways you can make a donation.

By Cheque

Please make you cheque payable to the Copped Hall Trust and post it together with this form to The Light Well Project, c/o The Copped Hall Trust, The Stables Courtyard, Crown Hill, Epping CM16 5HS.   If you are eligible for Gift Aid then please also downoload and complete the form (PDF).

By BACs Transfer

Please let us know if we can apply Gift Aid to your donation by completing the section below.   Our details are as follows.

Account Name:   The Copped Hall Trust Grant account
Account Number: 31291122
Sort Code: 40-45-42
International Bank Account Number: (if needed) GB11HBUK40454231291122

Please use your name and membership number (if you are a Friend) as a reference on your payment.

Become a Regular Donor

Contribute a regular donation each month.  Please complete the Standing Order form and Gift Aid form, if appropriate, for your donations.

Gift Aid Your Donation

This can add 25p to every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you!

If you wish to be a Patron, please complete the Standing Order form.

Leaving a Legacy

The Trust is always very grateful for, and benefits greatly from, legacies however small. In recent years, legacies have enabled a number of projects to be considerably accelerated in the Mansion and Gardens. Leaving a bequest towards a cause you believe in is a very tangible way of leaving a memorial to your support.

If you are interested in leaving a bequest to the Copped Hall Trust please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your enquiry will be treated in the strictest confidence. Bequests can be pecuniary or residual in nature with a range of ways of setting these up, including adding a codicil to your existing Will. We recommend that you seek the aid of a Solicitor to fully understand the options open to you to create a bequest that addresses your wishes.

Support a Specific Project

Walled Garden Orchard House Restoration


Text “OHRP13” and the amount of your donation (£5, £10 or £25) to 70070. Quick and simple for you,but we can’t reclaim gift aid. Alternatively, you can donate the old fashioned way and write a cheque, payable to “The Copped Hall Trust”. This needs to be sent to The Copped Hall Trust, Stables Courtyard, Copped Hall, Crown Hill, Epping, CM16 5HS. You will need to accompany this with a note telling us that this is a donation for the Orchard House Restoration Project. If you want to allow us to reclaim gift aid, you will need to state “I am a UK resident and pay tax...”

Please clearly write your full name, and sign your name next to the declaration.

The Light Well Project

This project will put a glazed roof over the light well, restore the walls and enable a new permanent staircase to be built enabling us to reach the second floor. The benefits are substantial. At basement level, the pigeon infestation will cease, the existing spaces at basement level will become interconnected and a new space created for events. The staircase will allow access to those impressive upper floor rooms, allowing space for archives, educational activities, a caretaker and hopefully for visitors to appreciate the views from here and possibly, the roof.

For more details see the Restoration Page.

The Winter Garden & Priory Garden

This project Aims to bring together the restoration of the Priory Garden with the intermediate restoration of the Winter Garden to establish a new visitor area that can also be visited by those with mobility issues.

For more details see the Restoration Page.

Historical Connections

Do you have any old pictures or cine film of Copped Hall prior to 1995? Do you know where any old artefacts of Copped Hall are? Does your family have any association with Copped Hall or stories to tell? We would love to hear from you.

Please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A 100 Club

It is a private lottery, a way not only of supporting the purchase of acquisitions relating to Copped Hall but also of providing you with the possibility of winning a prize in one of the monthly draws. By paying an annual fee of £24 you are guaranteed entry into 12 monthly draws. Of the fee, £12 goes directly into the Acquisition Fund with the balance being paid out in cash prizes. Nothing is deducted for expenses, as these are funded by a member.

The 100 club has more than 275 members and the total allocated to the Acquisition Fund to date is more than £17,000 with an equal amount paid out in prizes.

Application forms are always available at Copped Hall or by writing to us at the “Contact Us” address.

The Copped Hall Bookstall

The Bookstall is a long-standing fund-raiser for Copped Hall. Its first initiative was the Lift Fund that has enabled progress on the restoration of the unique rope operated lift installed in the Mansion wing by the Victorians. The Acquisition fund was also supported enabling the purchase of original artifacts from the Mansion. Recent fundraising has focused on supporting the reinstatement of the portland stone family staircase in the Mansion. Funds are currently being raised to help with the restoration of stonework in the Wintergarden.

Gordon Brown Jnr
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